God, I hate MySpace. Everything about it sucks...
- Filled with advertisements to the point where the UI breaks down.
- Filled with porn spam.
- UI design is horrific.
- It's ungodly slow.
Mainly it's the UI and the slowness that piss me off about it. It's like I'm looking at a webpage designed by a 12 year old. Combined with constant porn spam, it's just too much... I cancelled my account. No, not "deactivated" or made "hidden", I actually deleted it. As in unrecoverable delete. Fuck you, MySpace.
Yes, good riddance. But feel the power of the dark side that is Facebook pulling you in (in creepy Emperor voice).
I'd probably be inclined to do the same if I cared enough to do so. I haven't logged in for so long that I'm totally indifferent at this point.
Facebook rules.
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