There are a ton of guides out there for this already, but this is just for me personally so I don't have to search Google. Also, most of the guides are specific to Tiger. The ones that are specific for Leopard are incomplete.
Disable Spotlight...
Edit /etc/hostconfig and replace
Delete the Spotlight indexes...
sudo mdutil -i off /
sudo mdutil -E /
Remove Spotlight from the menubar...
sudo chmod 0000 /System/Library/CoreServices/Spotlight.app
To reverse the process.
Enable Spotlight...
Edit /etc/hostconfig and replace
Turn on the indexes...
sudo mdutil -i on /
Restore Spotlight in the menubar...
sudo chmod 755 /System/Library/CoreServices/Spotlight.app
So Spotlight no good?
No it's good... very good. I just wanted to try out Quicksliver and didn't want to have two desktop search engines running at the same time.
Quicksilver is awesome eyecandy, but I think Spotlight actually works better.
Heh... so not going to get into this religious discussion :P just trying out the OpenID login for blogger
I have an older Mac (PowerBook G4) that runs Leopard quite well, but Spotlight really drags. Even Quicksilver is slow. My solution is LaunchBar--it's really fast, ecen on this old machine.
So far I just re-mapped spotlight's keyboard shortcuts, but I guess I'll give a go at disabling it completely, since I never use it. I'm guessing re-enabling it is basically a reversal of the edits you list?
(And I see you did mention how to re-enable spotlight. Nevermind!)
When I go into hostconfig I don't get an option for spotlight. at all. what gives?
Anonymous, are you going into hostconfig or /etc/hostconfig ?
You're using Leopard (that's OS X 10.5.x), right?
I dunno, maybe you can just make the options yourself.
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