Apparently, ricers don't know what a V8 sounds like. According to many V8 owners, revving ricers are quickly shutup when the V8 owner revs back at them.
The story goes like this. Ricer comes up on an unsuspecting V8 and revs at them to entice them into a street race. The V8 owner is way above street racing so tries to ignore the ricer. The ricer persists and finally the V8 owner revs back with his massive V8 engine. Never having heard a V8 before, or possibly not knowing that a Mustang/Camaro/(insert American car here) has a V8, the ricer is so taken aback by the brutal, intimidating sound that he (or she) shuts up and minds his place.
"Well we were at a light and he starts revving his fart muffler(or lack of muffler). well i started to intimidate him with one fast 5000 rpm rev. this was funny (big smile). THAT SHUT HIM UP. (thumbs up)"
"He revs his engine at me so I rev mine back (B&B Bullets on a C6 A6) and man it was funny. His face looked as if a Frenchman slapped him with a white glove."
"So i came down in the stang and did a nice rev which shut him up."
I have failed to compile a complete collection of quotes, but rest assured, I have heard this same story too many times to count.
So there you have it. Ricers are scared of loud, deep notes and only rev at cars that they expect aren't going to rev back with said loud, deep notes. Also ricers are ignorant of which cars are equipped with V8s producing these notes and often rev at them by mistake.
If you can't detect it, this post is dripping with sarcasm. I think it's ridiculous that these people actually think other people are "scared" of their loud exhaust.
Do you people not get it?? Am I the only one who thinks these people (the V8 owners) are ridiculous? The entire post is making fun of V8 owners who are so far off in la-la land that they think other people actually are frightened by them revving.
Nah, I think they are ridiculous too :)
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