They'll add 30-35 rwhp and hopefully add a mean sound too. I don't really need this, I just kind of want them. Maybe I'll wait till my warranty expires. Besides, they are very expensive.
Apple MacBook
I'm getting a little tired of tinkering with Linux. Really I just want a decent text editor for Ruby/Rail. Is TextMate really worth $1500 though? It doesn't even have an outline view.
Apple Mac Mini
Might as well get a Mac for home too. :)
Apple iPod Nano (classic)
Funny thing, I've never actually owned a portable mp3 player (for very long anyways). My car radio has an aux input that I'd like to use. Might as well stay with the Apple theme, right? Am I the only one who doesn't like those new fatty iPod Nanos?
External DVD Burner
It just makes sense. Burning DVDs isn't a common task for me, especially on multiple computers. What I mean is, most of my DVD burning happens on one computer, so why bother getting a DVD burner for all of my other computers? I do, on occasion, need to burn a DVD on one of those other computers. Also, if I'm going all Mac, I don't want to spring for the Superdrive on all of them... :)

How can Apple still make people pay a premium for a DVD burner? Grrrr...
Have you held one of the fatty Nanos. They look a little odd until you see just how small they are....teeny tiny.
Yeah really (re: dvd burner premium)...
I haven't seen the fatty Nano, but I've been told that it's the size of two Shuffles stacked on top of each other.
I haven't really looked into this yet, but:
I need a Mac for web testing and I've had the same dilemma for a while now... the decade-old iMac I bought for $50 barely cuts it even for browser testing, but I'm not about to drop $600 for a Mac mini just for that.
Ultimately I may very well try to set up a quad-boot system for Vista, XP, Linux (if I get into it) and OS X. It's been done, and some people have said it's not necessarily that difficult to do with modern hardware.
You might want to look into building a PC to dual-boot OS X Leopard and Linux - the PC I just built is pretty super fast and it ran me about $800 for the tower - and that's Core 2 Quad w/ 4GB RAM.
I did the Hackintosh thing on my laptop using Tiger. It's pretty neat as an experiment, but in reality, it's very problematic. It's hard to get all your hardware working properly: 2d accel, 3d accel, high res, sleep, hibernate, lid open/close events, wireless. Then to top it off, you can update because it will overwrite all the hacked files that make OS X on PC possible. Checkout the Insanely Mac forums on how to run OS X on PCs.
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