3.5* out of 4 stars. (rating system explained)
Despite it's many flaws, I was actually upset that it was over.
- Story is engrossing and intriguing.
- Graphics are outstanding, especially when it comes to character faces.
- Action is as good or better than any other 3rd person shooter out there.
- Combines RPG elements (stats, equipment, level ups, special abilities) with a 3rd person shooter.
- A real sense that the choices you make actually matter.
- Low framerate and invasive loading give an overall choppy feel to the game.
- Maybe too much "talking" for some people's tastes.
- Inventory system is horrible.
- Weapon upgrading interface is horrible.
- Side quests are short, repetitive and reuse maps/textures/models.
- Too short.
I had written a big, long review about this game when I discovered this review and realized that I'd just be repeating everything that reviewer said. The short of it is this: the game is riddled with flaws, but we love it anyways. Hell, I'm going to play through it twice even.
My biggest complaint are the side quests. There are two kinds of side quests:
- The ones that take place in a city or major area of the game.
- The ones that require you to land on a remote planet to investigate or kill something.
* I hate straying from my simple 4 discrete star system where a game can get one of only four ratings, but I honestly feel this game warrants an exception for being such a great game that unfortunately has so many flaws.
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